Alfred Nzo Community Radio Station Board has on Thursday suspended its Station Manager with immediate effect pending the station processes to follow disciplinary actions. A suspension letter dated 5th of May, signed by board chairperson Zolile Mosweu which has been seen by The Informer said, Zukile Majova is suspended for alleged cases of misconduct and insubordination.
“Kindly be informed that you are suspended from your duty with immediate effect as provided in clause 16 bullet 7 of the disciplinary procedure and code of conduct pending the station processes to follow disciplinary actions for an alleged cases of misconduct and insubordination. The board resolved that it will be in the best interest of the station to invoke its fiduciary functions and responsibilities in protecting the station and the shareholders from the risk and no accountability”, the letter said.
The letter has also listed about 10 charges that Majova will have to answer to when time for him to be called before the disciplinary committee comes. It is said that Majova has failed to implement Board resolutions, Undermined and disrespected the board, failed to submit quarterly reports, Putting the station into disrepute, mistreating some of the staff members, failed to attend MDDA and NLC transgressions and failure to submit reasons why he should not be suspended for the above reasons on the time allocated.
In the letter Majova has also been requested to hand over office keys and any access cards. Hand over all the tools of trade including laptop, routers and other things assigned to himself.
Commenting about this Majova confirmed receiving the suspension letter. He said he is going to co-operate with the investigation.