Eastern Cape COGTA MEC Xolile Nqatha has taken a decision to suspend Chief Bhekabambo Ntola of Amantshangase Traditional Council without pay with immediate effect for a period of ten (10) years. This after the Adhoc committee appointed by the Hon. MEC to investigate allegations levelled against Mr Ntola recommended the immediate suspension of Mr Ntola as the traditional leader.
Chief Ntola was accused of humiliating two individuals accused of committing adultery in his village. In conducting its work, the committee gave everybody affected an opportunity to present his or her case including the witnesses. The committee has verified the allegations against Mr Ntola and found him guilty of humiliating the two individuals. The committee has instructed Mr Ntola to apologize to the complainant, her family and to the public. He has also been ordered to apologize to the man accused of committing adultery and to his family as well. Mr Ntola has been further directed to undergo counselling during this period of suspension assisted by the Royal family and submit reports to the department.
The MEC has a duty to ensure that leaders and institutions falling within the ambit of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs discharge their duties in a dignified and humane manner that is gender-sensitive. Society is witnessing a scourge that happens in extreme proportions and whatever happens, the MEC has vowed not to fail to act to protect women and children.
“I have carefully considered and applied my mind to the report which included aggravating and mitigating factors as well as the findings and recommendations. Due to the seriousness of the misconduct, he committed that affected the emotional and psychological being of the victims badly and the traditional community at large. I also considered Mr Ntola’s personal circumstances in mitigation of the seriousness of the misconduct, but unfortunately, aggravating factors outweighed the mitigating factors in this case. It is clear from the report that Mr Ntola committed the act of misconduct and that is a disgrace to the traditional leadership institution at large. I, therefore, agreed with sanctions as recommendations in the report,” said MEC Nqatha.
A criminal case has been opened against Mr Ntola on same the matter. The MEC has applauded the committee for the sterling work.