
Mine workers who lost their jobs due to TB and Silicosis to be compensated

By Simbongile Mdledle

The Tshiamiso Trust has announced that ex mineworkers who suffered from Tuberculosis (TB) and Silicosis as a result of working in the mines, would be compensated from the R5 billion fund set out by the government. About 102 claimants affected by TB and Silicosis are to receive a total of R9 074 523.80, however, there are approximately 500 000 ex-miners that must be paid out of R5 Billion within 12 years, as per the High Court Judgement of 2019.

Most of the affected ex-miners are from small towns including Flagstaff, Bizana, Mt Ayliff, Lusikisiki and neighbouring countries. The Trust noted that where the former miners are no more, living family members will act on their behalf.

The Justice for Miners Campaign welcomed the announcement made on 2 August, stating that it would make a change even though it won’t bring the normal life of the affected ex-miners. Bishop Jo Seoka Chairperson of the Justice for Miners (JFM) stressed that they are happy with the settlement stating that half a loaf is better than nothing. He said there is a need to significantly speed up the volume of payments to eligible claimants. He said the JFM Campaign again urges the Tshiamiso Trust: – to critically review and improve the performance of TEBA officials and medical service providers at Tshiamiso Trust lodgement sites where JFM has revealed serious problems in the treatment of claimants, handling of lodgements, execution of medical examinations and accessing of employment records. Seoka also appealed to the trust to improve the systems of communication.

Meanwhile one of the victims from KwaZulu location in Lusikisiki, Mkhululi Hlangabezo also welcomed the announcement stating that it is a sigh of relief as they lost their jobs after they got infected with Silicosis in the mines. Hlangabezo now has no source of income besides his spaza shop. He revealed that even the money he got after his retrenchment did nothing to change his life because no one can employ him now. “So by getting this payment may bring improvement in our lives and in our families,” he said.

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