Three vehicles belonging to the South African Police Services are going for a hammer on the 18th of July. The vehicles will be sold on an auction as the start of recovering monies to pay Teboho Stemere who is suing police Minister Bheki Cele for wrongful arrest.
Stemere was leading a protest action by communities of different localities in Matatiele in 2018. The communities then, were complaining about the road conditions in their areas. The action was regarded as the longest protest action that nearly cripple Matatiele economy.
Stemere was arrested by the Public Order Police members coming from East London and Aliwal North through a Court Order which was reported to have been applied for by Matatiele Local Municipality. During the court case Stemere’s defence lawyers, SB Bavu Incl Attorneys demanded to see a court order which the police used to arrest Stemere. The SAPS failed to produce the court order leading to court dismissing the case.
In 2022 Stemere’s defence lawyers filed papers in court suing the Minister Bheki Cele for illegally arresting Stemere, claiming a sum of R200 000.00. The claim became successful in November of the same year. Last week Sherriff of the court attached and removed three vehicles belonging to the Matatiele police station. The vehicles include 1x Toyota Bakkie, Ford Ranger Double Cab BVG 589 B and Trailor Road Block.
A notice written by the Sheriff of the court to Stemere ‘s Defence Lawyers says “In persuence of the judgement of the magistrate court of Matatiele granted on the 18th of November 2022 and warrant of execution dated the 17 of March 2023, a sale will be held at No 101 Main street Matatiele, infront of Matatiele Magistrate Court by Sheriff Mlandu held at 11H00 on the 18 July 2023.
Commenting about this auction Stemere said this judgement is the clear indication that those who arrested him did not know their job. “I am also happy that my dignity and my rights are now going to be restored”, he said.
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