
Eskom suspends employees following plant explosion

The power utility has launched an investigation following the Medupe plant station explosion on Sunday

Power utility, Eskom has suspended several employees who are believed to have had a hand in the explosion of the Medupi Power station on Sunday.

Eskom spokesperson Sikonathi Mantshantsha said there was a deviation from the procedure at one of its units, which led to the explosion on Sunday night.

“Following a preliminary investigation, it appears that while performing this activity, air was introduced into the generator at a point where hydrogen was still present in the generator at sufficient quantities to create an explosion which ignited and resulted in this explosion.”

Mantshantsha said that an investigation had been launched.

“Investigations are underway into the cause of the incident. Eskom will update the public on developments as well as to what extent this unfortunate incident will impact on the national grid.”

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