Former health minister, Zweli Mkhize wants court to declare SIU report unlawful and unconstitutional

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has confirmed that former Health Minister Doctor Zweli Mkhize has served it with court papers.
Mkhize is demanding that its findings on his involvement in the Digital Vibes contract be set aside as well as declared unlawful and unconstitutional.
The SIU report which was released earlier found that Mkhize, his family and friends unduly benefitted from the R150 contract.
The SIU also found that Mkhize deliberately ignored a Cabinet decision when he allowed Digital Vibes to be appointed to conduct communications work on the National Health Insurance (NHI).
At the time, Cabinet had resolved that the Government Communications Information System would NHI communication strategy.
As a result of the findings, Mkhize resigned from his position.
SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago says, “We have received the papers in that regard. What we can say to you is that we have instructed our lawyers to defend the matter. The matter is sub-judice, we will look into the document that was sent to us and our lawyers will then prepare a response, and only then will the public know what our response is.”