SASSA recipients can switch from postbank to personal bank
Below is how you can switch to your personal bank
SASSA grant beneficiaries have the choice to get paid into a SASSA gold card (via Postbank) or into their own personal account. SASSA recipients can switch from Postbank by doing the following:
- Make sure the personal bank account you want your SASSA grant paid into is in YOUR name.
- Download the Consent Form for Bank Payment HERE.
- Complete in full and sign and date it at the bottom.
- Go to a SASSA branch with your completed form, proof of identity (ID document/birth certificate/driver’s license).
- You will also need a proof of bank account in your name. This can be a three-month bank statement certified by your bank.
- Once accepted, your next SASSA grant payment will be paid into your bank account.
Please note that SASSA recipients can switch from Postbank at any time, but this does not apply to the R350 SRD Grant.
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