Cosatu exploring scenarios impacting ANC at the polls

Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU) says it is exploring various scenarios impacting the ruling party at the polls. In a report, the ANC’s alliance partner said it had done an assessment of the conditions and balance of power and it needed to ascertain what the best way forward was for strengthening.
It said the exploration of the possible scenarios was necessitated by the 2019 congress decision, which mandated conditional support for the ANC should the alliance not be ready to be reconfigured.
It said despite there being a document on the reconfiguration, which was finalised and adopted by the political council, the reconfiguration had not happened in the manner it was envisaged.
This leaves delegates at the conference with the following options: to continue mobilising for and voting for the ANC as has been the precedent since 1994 or persuade the SACP – which would not have time to consider standing and contesting elections on its own, or for the first time allow individual members to vote on their own personal choices or consciences without a Cosatu choice to assert a collective voice.
The document concedes that whichever way the workers decide, such a move will have short- and long-term repercussions for workers and the country’s political and economic landscape.